Custom Photos for Your Products
Our GOAL is to make your business a SUCCESS by creating five-star product photography with an
easy process, competitive pricing and fast delivery!
Our Specialty is photographing products on a pure white background for Amazon sellers
and Ecommerce Websites.
Our Process Is Simple - 4 EASY STEPS
1. Contact us
Fill out our form located on our contact page. When the form is submitted you will receive a confirmation email with a product questionnaire, shipping instructions and a reference number. The product questionnaire is to be filled out and emailed back to us to give our photographers an idea of how you want your products to look to best suit your business needs.
2. Shipping
Simply pack your products securely in a box and ship to our photography studio. Be sure to add your business information, the reference number provided and a copy of your product questionnaire (if applicable). The shipping address will be provided in an email sent to you by our customer service representative when your order is confirmed. This is to ensure proper handling and labeling of your products.
3. It's Time To Shoot!
Once your products are received, an email will be sent to you confirming their arrival. ** Payment must be received before shooting begins! Your products will be photographed and edited in our studio by highly trained professional photographers with 20+ years of experience. The products are shot on a pure white background and edited to give proper shadowing or reflecting effects. Any dust, scratches, fingerprints or miner defects will be edited. All images are high resolution 3000 x 3000 pixels at 300dpi and will be available for instant downloading. Once your images are complete a link will be sent to you for quick access to your photo gallery. We keep your images available for any changes or additions that you may request (additional charges may apply).
Please allow 1-2 weeks for production time after receipt of product and payment.
For our RUSH service additional charges will apply. See pricing for details.
4. Return Products
After your project is complete, your products will be shipped back to you. Shipping fees will apply and can be added to your original invoice. If you do not want your products shipped back to you then shipping charges will not apply.
One Photo 49.99
2-9 Photos 46.99
10-19 Photos 43.99
20-34 Photos 40.99
35-50 Photos 37.99
51-99 Photos 31.99
100+ Photos 24.99
RUSH Orders Add $95 for up to 10 photos
Group Photos
FREE 1-2 Items In The Photo
There is no additional charges with photos with 1 or 2 items in it.
+5 3-5 Items In The Photo
per photo There is a $5 upcharge per photo if you have 3-5 items in that group
+15 6-10 Items In The Photo
per photo There is a $15 upcharge per photo if you have 6-10 items in that group
+25 More Than 10 Items In The Photo
per photo There is a $25 upcharge per photo if you have more than 10 items in that group
Transparent Images
Transparent images are images that can be added to any background, meaning that your product can be placed on any other photo without having a white square around the image. Our editors detach the image from its background so the product image can have many uses. This is also used for logos.
Add $5 per photo
If your photo consists of many products or is a complex photo, additional fees may apply.
Hand Modeling
Hand modeling is a great way to show off your product in use! Hand modeling can be added to any product photo and is your choice of male or female hand models.
Add $10 per photo